Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Any ones baby/toddler every had a scratch on their cornea?

yesterday my 1 yr old baby boy began all of a sudden screaming his head off and rubbing his eye really hard. He was having a very hard time opening up his eye, it was really red and watery, and anytime that he did open it a tiny bit he would begin to scream and cry even harder, and would close it immediately. We thought that maybe he had maybe gotten a piece of dust of lint or something in it so we tried rinsing it with warm water every little bit but that didn't help. So after waiting to see if it was going to clear up on its own, I called a 24 hour on call nurse that our insurance provides and told her his symptoms, she then suggests that I take him to an urgent care,(by that time it was too late to take him to his doctor) So, I took him to the nearest one, and sure enough, when the nurses, the doctor and myself held him down and she got the yellow dye in to his eye and flashed a florescent light in his eye you could clearly see a huge scratch all the way across the cornea of his eye ball.. So, she gave him antibiotic drops, and told me to rotate tylenol and motrin all night to help with pain so that he wouldn't rub it, and said that if he wasn't any better to take him to his doctor today, or to an opthamologist. When we got home he was exhausted and passed out, so he didn't get the antibiotics in his eye til this morning. I did try to get the tylenol and motrin in to him every 4-6 hours, and he managed to sleep through the night without problem, then this morning he woke up feeling just fine, his eye looked much better. So, I decided to wait because she did say that these things normally heal up within 48 hours, and he was doing much better, hasn't even bothered him today. Well, the doctor he seen last night called me this evening, and when I told her I was going to wait til morning she acted as though I was doing something wrong. But, I was just doing as she said last night, she said if he wasn't feeling any better, but he was, he was doing great compared to last night... my question is, should I have taken him today? Like I said, I start the antibiotic drops this morning, but before he even had that he seemed so much better, he's acted fine to day, as if nothing happened. I was just curious if anyone else has ever had this happen to their child, and if it was necessary to take them right back to the doctor the very next day? Or do you think it was alright to wait until the full 48 hours that she said it woudl take to heal to see if it would before running right back to the doctor? If he had been in pain today I would have taken him immediately but because he was doing fine I decided to give it another day.. Was I wrong? Why did this doctor talk to me like I was doing something wrong with my child today?

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