Saturday, July 23, 2011

My desktop comp shuts off for no reason. The fan is working and I cleaned it. Now what?

It does seem to stay on longer with a fan behind it. Sometimes in shuts off after an hour, sometimes a few hours. Sometimes it will shut off while I am using it. I dusted it with an air can, but it wasn't very dusty. I'm not very comp savvy so please help in easy terms :) Thanks in advance

Best goosebumps book?

I looked through my bookshelf today and found some dusty old goosebumps books that made me nostalgic. I thought one day at horrorland, you can't scare me, it came from beneath the sink, and the scarecrow walks at midnight were good. What do you think is the best?

Picking at invisible lint?

I know an old lady that picks at invisible lint and then tries to throw it away. She just had a tumor taken off of her brain, could it be associated with that??

Wierd dreams about losing balance?

U are feeling acute insecurity, fear of failure, depression, frustration and no way to decide for ur future

Im hopelessly in love what do i do! but its long though?

Me and him have been friends since 7th grade, at first its like any boy girl relationship, compeletly harmless and innocent, then 8th grade, people started to think we go out, we played it off nothing of it, now were freshmen, 99 percent of our circle of friends think we should or are going out, even people we hardley know think we do, we almost crapped a golden brick when we got seperated during football games in the stands (were both in band) almost ka joined at the hip. But he likes someone else, and im fine with that, i WANT them to get together, to see him happy, but i find myself getting jealous easily, for no reason too. He hangs with other people, sure go have fun, but later in the back of my mind im like wtf. He buys a necklace for the girl he likes im like awww its so cute, then later on i get kinda miffed about it, he asks her to the military ball thingy im like awwwww! so cute, in his lil rotc uniform in all, then later i get kinda irritated. i play it off, but every little thing he does is amazing like ill burst into tears if he does something manly, like this one time this fat kid was messing with me and he went HAM he went beast on him about to kick his butt, like if anything happend to him idk what id do, like last week i had a terrible day, and he let me cry on his shoulder during lunch infront of everyone and didnt care. WHAT GUY DO YOU KNOW WOULD DO THAT?! hes like everything i wanted, words cant describe it. I told him i liked him last semester and were over it, but now its even worse, i think im falling head over heels for him, everyone sees it. We can talk for hours about dryer lint i swear,we even joke about perverted things about eachother, we went on a band trip to disney world and we joked about how wed all go skinny dipping with our friends, but the one thing preventing this fairy tale i know him too well, its like doing my brother if he texted me right now and poured his feelings asked me out i would loose it. But i dont want my feelings to interfere with other relationships. Help!

If Jesus comes back to Earth as a hamster, what would Xians do?

If he came back as a hamster, they would sell him at a pet store but if he came back as a turkey they would definitely have him for Thanksgiving with a little cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy.

Heeelp ! Washing machine drain pipe overflowing..What is wrong and how do I fix?

You will have to get that drain line snaked out. Try a plumber or Roto Rooter or something like that. the clog isn't complete, it is letting some water though which is why you can take showers and flush the toilet - not as much water as one time as the washing machine. You can try spinning your washer out, but you will probably have to do it a little at a time until you get most of the water out then you can let it spin the clothes fully and dry them. These things happen in any home, you just have to tackle the problems as they come up. Good luck.

Orgasms don't feel good?

well there ok, but I like the feelin of when I go to pee or especially sneeze. I'm a girl and don't say I don't know what they feel like cuz I do. I feel really hot, my privates are pulsing, my heart is beating through my chest and I gasp for air. it's ok but not as good as sneezing. When I was younger I would sniff dusty things so I could make myself sneeze, it has always been the easier thing for me to do and felt the greatest. People have always said I'm weird but I guess I'm just diferent. I've never really got any Please from any form so cab you tell me if this is normal

Parents are forcing me to go on holiday!?

i'm sure they just want you to be there and spend time with you, but you might enjoy it once you're there ! after all, they are your family :D

I just got two new parakeets. Any way I can make them feel more at home?

I just got two new young budgies. They are yellow-lightgreen and the seem nervous by the other four. I'm worried that they might get treated like our Dusty, who died of a broken leg. My two girls would push Dusty down and wouldn't let him get on the perch. We have a huge cage now and there's plenty of room, but I'm afraid that the new birds won't get used to their new home. Any help?

Pool Not Working. Wing nut problem?

All the wing nut problem wpould do is leak water. There is usually a valve system in the plumbing to shut off the water or bypass it when you clean the filter. it should also allow "backwashing" of the sand filter. Check for a closed valve.

Plumbing HELP! Main Drain Clogged!?

The main wash basin sink where the washing machine drains into is clogged. The drain pipe it leads into is also the one where the dual kitchen sinks drain into. I guess the main drain pipe out of the house where the wash basin sink and the dual kitchen sinks drain into is clogged. When the wash basin sink fills with water it doesn't drain, but the water back up into the kitchen sinks (the kitchen sinks are about 6 feet away from the wash basin sink). Also, when the kitchen sinks fill with water, they too do not drain, but the water backs up into the wash basin sink. The main drain pipe for all sinks is next to the wash basin sink. The wash basin pipe and the drain pipe for the sinks tap into the main pipe just below the wash basin's drain pipe. The symptom of both sinks clogged and backing up into each other tells me the clog is in the main drain pipe and is possibly below where the wash basin drain pipe and the kitchen sink drain pipe feeds into the main drain. All pipes are PVC. My roommate, being a moron used Drain-O. The pipes are fine, but the Drain-O did not work. We used hot water from the tap, snaked it, and we have tried a plunger on all sinks without any change; none whatsoever. I will try boiling water next. What else can be done? I am sure the clog consists of lint and hair from the washing machine and oil, food particles, and grease from the sinks. Please help! I cannot wash my clothes nor wash any dishes. Sorry if this is a little long-winded, I want to be as detailed as possible. Thank you to all who help.

Why is the clothes dryer making a burning smell?

My mom pulled out all lint in the back and cleaned the filter, its still making the smell but she wont turn it off

How to get stubborn dog hair off furniture?

My dog is a terrier mix, and her hair is white and wiry. It is nearly impossible to remove off furniture. I've tried lint rollers, duct tape, and my vacuum cleaner, but nothing seems to work. What do you suggest? Thanks!

IPod touch 4g spot 10pts?

On screen after my cousin guitar rubbed on it it's nOt a scratch I try to clean it off with soft lint cloth any idea what it is?

Is this too much or too little.?

That's a lot of exercising an too little of an amount of food. You should be eating around 1200 calories a day or more.

Which dog name do you like best?

Well, Bella, Molly, and Sophie are three of the most popular female dog names right now as are Gus, Duke, and Dusty. If you want a break from the norm I say Emmie and Jager

What are these spots in my underwear?

they happen randomly throughout the month about 3 times and only for one day i have them but theres tiny red spots in my underwear that look like lint. what could it be? is it spotting? i havent had my first period yet. what do they mean?

I am interested in buying a property in turkey?

This will be my first property investment ever, ive decided to buy in Turkey as it is a lot cheaper can someone advise me of what I need to do to start this process off legally, and the do and donts as well. thank you

Man he was WRONG!!!!!!!!?

Once again Harold Camping made an End of the World Prediction and got it wrong. One of his predictions was "Earthquakes will begin on May 21 on Kiritimati Island (Christmas Island), Kiribati at 6 p.m. LINT (0400 UTC)." It is now 6:02 in Kiritimati and no major Earthquakes. SO way to go Harold you failed again

I need help buying towels. The ones I buy just shed lint everywhere.?

My towels are starting to smell, but whenever I try buying new towels I get towels that throw lint and fibers everywhere. I remember I bought a red one and was drying and was like "Great! This doesn't smell at all!" Then I realized there were little red fibers all over my body. Why are towels sold this way? They even shed after they've been through the wash. How can I get some good towels that won't smell and won't shed? Is there a way to get rid of the smell in my old towels? Washing doesn't seem to work...

What's wrong with me? what are these symptoms of?

Yesterday I had a really sore throat. I thought it might be allergies because it felt like stuff was running down my throat. Last night, I made the mistake of going to my dance class, and probably made my allergies worse because my nose was really runny and stuffy (in one of my classes we did all floor work, and its pretty dusty on the ground). this morning i woke up and my throat still hurt. I fell asleep with my mouth open because my nose was so stuffed up. I went to drink some water and almost threw up. I haven't thrown up for real at all today but i had a little bit of a fever. Now my nose and throat still hurt a little bit, and every time i smell food i feel like im gong to throw up. Do I need to go to a doctor? tomorrow is my last day of school so i want to be there, but i don't want to get other kids sick for the beginning of summer. Help?

What are these flying insects? They are tiny, white and look like flying dryer lint with wings.?

We have these tiny flying insects that are white and look like tiny peices of lint or dust. They came out of nowhere. What are they?

Do you think I will lose weight eating like this ?

maybe for a snack only have one slice of bread or half a slice because too many carbs will make you gain weight. try not to have similar meal in the same day, you will get too much of the nutrients that's in that meal which isn't a good thing. fruits that are white on the inside(apples, bananas, peaches...) have more calories, so other fruits like oranges or plums would be a better choice if you eat it that often. try having a salad with seasoned-rice vinegar instead of dressing would be good to pair with a meal since it fills you up and is very low in calories, fat, sugar, ect. hope this helps!

If Iran and slipped on Turkey Greece, Spain my ankle, would my Togo numb?

Also, if I happened to break my Armenia when I fell, should I put it in a Singapore Sling on my way to the hospital? If I Denmark the spot where I slipped to show the insurance company, would Taipei my compensation?

My baby blankets always carry little furry lint balls help me?

My babys blankets always have lint on the likke balls. and i tried lint rolling it but it dont work. how can i get rid of them and how to make them not come back. they also appeare in her socks. shes 7 months =) thanks....

Am i nasty or normal? ?

umm thats very nasty nd not normal @ all .. tht isnt sanitary in any way. i feel sorry for you if you enjoy doing these things. and by the way : touching yourself between your legs could also be called fingering yourself which is also disturbing -__- . i advise you 2 stop

Going to subway is this healthy?

sounds good to me...light mayos definitely better for you than the chipotle...that stuff is good though :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Which's better Egypt or Turkey to visit?

Both counties are worthy to visit. Depends on what you're looking for. In Egypt you'll visit one of the greatest civilizations of the world. In Turkey you'll see the marks of different civilizations and different faiths. In Turkey you'll have more options, you can have a cultural tour or just enjoy yourself, lying on the beach and tasting the great Turkish cusine. Weather is important too, if you're going in this season (summer) I recommend Turkey, it would be better to visit Egypt in September or October.

Dryer issue! advice? how can i fix this?

My lint tray is at the bottom of my dryer and when i took it out to clean it; my card fell into it and is now what i think underneath the dryer somehow? when i run it, it smells like something is burning. advice please?


Not sure about orange's network coverage, but you will be able to use it when your connected to a wi fi hotspot

What is the meaning of this song?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Jean fuzz on the back of my white shorts?

I went dancing a while ago and I was wearing white shorts and there were little traces of jean material from me dancing with people wearing jeans. I washed them but its still there and the lint roller doesnt work! Anyone know how to get rid of it?

What is the brown dusty stuff on the bottom of my aquarium?

I have a 10 gallon aquarium that has been in use and cycled constantly for 2 years. It has a hang on back filter that is twice as powerful as is necessary for my tank and it is working properly (100GPH). There is still a lot of brown dusty stuff sitting on top of my gravel (I expect it is fish excretions). However the levels in my water are fine (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate), and fish have been living in it just fine for the last 2 years. The question is, should the filter be picking this up? why isn't it? and is it a problem? and how should I deal with it? By the way my last fish in the tank just died so I have an oppurtunity to really mess around before I get new fish (I just did a 50% water change).

How do i keep my belly button for creating for so much navel lint?

The last couple of weeks i have noticed the my belly button has been making more and more navel lint. is this a problem and should i go to the doctor to get it looked at? is there anything i can do at home to stop it? or should i just leave it and let it make as much as it wants?

What should my focus question be for my extended project?

I want to do International Relations at uni soooo I thought Turkey's relations and history would be a good choice for an extended project. ( It's like a bridge between the East and West) but I need a focus question or point because I don't want to right about everything I know about Turkey! Any suggestions? :-P

Is it weird to sit alone on the bus?

My grade is going to Toronto for a trip soon and i dont have someone to sit with for the ride .Ive asked all my friends if I could sit next to them but they all already have a "buddy". The only people left over who dont have a someone to sit next to are awkward(lol).....So I think I'll just sit alone for the ride. :/!! ??! Is it weird if i did? Will i look pathetic and a "loner" or "dusty"?Im scared ill get made fun of if i sit alone. What do you think , thank you

If breathing in dusty mold from an orange bad for you?

I grabbed an orange and the bottom was covered in Mold. As I was throwing it in to the garbage disposal the mold was so dusty when it hit the sink it all came up and went straight into my lungs. I am feeling nausious? coincidence or not?

Ugg question!! HELP!?

Hey guys. I'm getting my third pair of Uggs and I am getting the classic short. I want to know what color you think I should get and a website too. I already found a good one where they are having a sale and it is 75 dollars because they are not selling as much as they would like. Grey, Black, Chestnut, or Brown. Right now I have the bailey buttons in heirloom lilac which is purple and another one in dusty thistle in which is a light purple. Give it to me in the order you think I should get them. Don't say Uggs are Uggly or something 'cause I don't care.

Do I have obsessive compulsive disorder?

It is very likely that you have a moderate to severe case of OCD. It is not that something is WRONG with you, your brain just didn't learn to control the compulsions that it has. Most of the time this can be helped with ADD medications (as OCD is a form of ADD) or therapy.

Great places to vacation?

If you looking for beach holiday, go to Egypt many cities there Alexandria, Sharm El sheihk and other, also many places you will like it

Is this a bad diet..?

For breakfast I had honey nut cheerios, for lunch I had a sandwich with a lean turkey slice, and lettuce and for dinner I had pork chops and corn. For 1 snack I had this soup in a cup thing with no fat and only 35 calories

Where can I get a good lint shaver?

Looking for the best quality lint shaver I can get for 10-20 dollars, anyone know any places I could find one?

I feel like I'm on a boat?

you just havent gotten your land legs back. also that has happened to me before. it is all in your head

What is this music video!? (its driving me insane)?

I really really wanna know what this song is, I only saw a music video for in Turkey on Vh1 (the song was in english) It was a guy getting a massage by a girl, and thats the only part i saw. The singer sounded british. Please help!!

How do I clean a moldy typewriter?

I recently bought a typewriter at Goodwill. It's actually in pretty good condition. My only problem is that there's some dusty mold on it. (Green dust is mold, right?) I've vacuumed the case and cleaned the outside with soap and water. (The case is lined with velvet, so I didn't wipe the inside.) It smells really musty, so I'm airing it out right now. I also set a box of baking soda inside of it. I cleaned the keys with soap and water. The mold is located on the metal at the bottom of the typewriter. I wasn't sure how to clean this part, so I just wiped off some of the dust with cotton swabs. How else should I clean the typewriter? I just want to make sure that it's safe to display inside the house.

Why is it that outside of OutKast,no one checks for Big Boi bu we love Andre 3000?

When you think of Outkast first thing comes to mind is Andre. Andre is way more popular than Big Boi.

The Check Lint Screen light is flashing, I've checked and the lint screen is clean! What's wrong?

The lights on the panel are all flashing. The check lint screen light is flashing. I've cleaned the lint screen and I've run a dryer vent brush through the machine and through the dryer vent to the outside. Everything is clean. Is there any type of switch or connector that might be dirty that is telling the dryer to check the lint screen?

Will my kittens eyes stay blue?

Aw :) he sounds adorable! My kitten, Muffin, was bought home at eight weeks, too, with large, clear blue eyes. Since he has all white fur, I thought he'd stay blue, too--but what do ya know, they turned green when he was about two months old! Now he's three months old and his eyes are green as ever. Maybe your cat's eyes will stay blue, maybe not. During their lifetime, cat's eyes are BORN blue, and often change after birth. At one year of age, which is the average matured age, you'll probably be able to determine his true eye color. And for another S sounding name, maybe Snickers? Like the candy? Or Softie? Hope I helped! :)

There are white stuff sticking to my black coat and black tee. How do I remove it?

I have a lint roller, that is like sticky paper but it still doesn't come out. How do I get rid of it?

How to keep static electricity at a low?

As general rules, don't use that chair when the computers open, use your wrist strap, and try to keep the air slightly more humid when working on the computer. The drier the air, the more chance of static building up. Once you're computer is closed, you're basically safe since everything connected to it, plus the case, is grounded.

My At&t Iphone automatically attached to vodafone in turkey, am i roaming?

I'm on vacation in turkey and my at&t iphone automatically connected to vodafone as its carrier. My brother and mother also have iphones but their phones just say "no service." I am thinking this may be because they haven't updated their phones in a while? Anyways, does anyone know if this causes me to be in roaming and get charged extra through at&t?

Why do my headphones keep poping out of the port on my iPod touch?

Iv tryed blowing lint out but there is none there, and when I put headphones in my iPod it just pops them out

Is the opening of my story catchy? Would you read it?

The story itself isn't bad. A little cliche, but it's a good start. You're right though; the spelling and grammar could use a little work. Try working on your sentence structure and eliminating some of the fragments. Stick with it though, you've got a solid start!

Where is the lint trap on my whirlpool dryer?

My whirlpool stackable dryer Model YLTES43DQ, has no lint trap, that is at least noticeable. On the internet it states that it is 28 & 29 which on mine are not removeable, all one piece. So how can I clean out the lint without having to go to the ceiling and removing a screwed down trap door that had gather lint. This makes it impossible for me.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Looking for a nice iPhone 4 cause, but NOT one of those ugly protective ones!?

I want a case, right now I have an OtterBox one. It's okay and it worked in winter cause I had a jacket to put it in (will not fit in "girl pockets") but now it's summer and I need one that will actually fit in my pockets, I want a hard case (not silicon because it picks up lint for pockets). I want it to be thin and pretty and if its not pretty I want it to be a "Bumper" case so that it doesn't really matter! Thankss (:

What do i do with fry tank?

I have 7 day old Betta fry the tank is nasty . I have an air pump. I have a filter but its not on i think it will suck the fry up.i have tried a turkey baster but i suck my babies up every time. i think if i just leave it the fungus that's growing on the uneaten food and dead babies will kill off the fry. what do you think i should do ?

Dryer will not heat up?

Your power is good up to the dryer, but it sounds like you are not getting voltage to the element. Since you replaced all those components, I would next start with the wires themselves.Start at the terminal block and work your way in, testing the power at each component along the way until you find where the power drops out.

Black or Iridium Silver Metallic Mercedes? 10pts?

I have a dark colored car myself. If you just wipe it down regularly and keep it looking good you really shouldn't have a problem. I agree that the black would look good.

Cat litter with least amount of dust?

I am kind of forced to have my cats litter box in my room and everytime he uses it I feel like the air quality in the room turns incredibly dusty and isnt healthy for me to breathe in. I am wondering what litter has the least amount of dust and smells decent too?

Can a dusty house from not changing the air conditioner filter cause dark circles around eyes?

Not sure about the dark circles but leaving a dirty air filter on can contribute to allergies. The circles can be from a number of things. Anything from genetics to lack of sleep to even food, animal allergies. I would notice if it is worse one day and better another. If so pay attention to what you did or ate that day.

Omg! Please help! I have this pimple on my arm! What is it?! Please help!?

Well if it is a flesh pinkish thing then it wouldn't be cancerous. Cancerous things are often 2 cm or more in length or width and are usually pgimentated like (brown or black).

I'm thirteen. I'm afraid of travelling alone. Is this normal?

So I'm traveling to Istanbul, Turkey in July. It's a direct flight from Montreal, Quebec (its new) but I'm still scared. What if I miss my flight? Or get lost? Or even worse kidnapped? My parents think that I'm overreacting but I still worried. Is this normal? And can I overcome this fear? BTW, I'm troaveling on Trans-Canadian Airlines. (Air Canada)

Help...I can't find my cat.?

i put her in the clothes dryer and now she's gone. where could she have gone off to? My mom is gonna be so mad- and she's getting home soon. where do cats typically like to hide in the dryer? I checked the lint trap already.

What is the best or easiest way to stop smoking?

My daughter (24) has Myathenia Gravis and is having a very hard time to quitting smoking. She know that she needs to, but has had a hard time. She's tried "cold turkey" quitting, the patch and other methods. What are some of the things that have worked for you? Do support groups really work?

Are Air Canada and Trans Canadian airlines the same thing?

I'm going to Istanbul, Turkey soon and my airline is Trans Canadian airlines. I've been doing some research on Wikipedia and I found something that said that Air Canada owned Trans Canadian airlines. So does this mean that a plane from Trans Canadian airlines looks the same as an Air Canada plane? (including design pattern logos, etc)

Chapter 1 how is it ??????

Many spelling and grammatical errors, and it's a bit cheesy, but i think it has potential. Have you ever heard the phrase, "show, don't tell?" it means that you should show your reader what is happening, rather than telling them straight out. for example, instead of saying the sun is shining, you could say warm beams of light hit beat down on my skin. i think that if you would show your reader more things in this story it would be dramatically improved.

Possible iPhone headphone jack obstruction?

The controls on my headphones won't work with my phone anymore and further more there isn't that "click" that you get when you plug them in all the way. The headphones work on my iPod so that's not the problem. I'm not sure but I think there's some dirt or lint in there. I'll try getting a better look at it later with a small bright flashlight. If there is something in there how do I get it out? Ive heard suggestions for paper clip and toothpick. I may just take it to the apple store, but I honestly dont trust them. Last time I was there they told me I needed a new phone, $200 and about a week later I learned I didn't and they coulda easily just fixed the problem.

Should I cut my hair short and dye it dark brown?

JUST DIE! It takes forever to get beautiful long hair and if you don't like the colour you can always change it back but as soon as you cut it it's gone.

What protein pills should I look at?

Really no dieting substances are good for you (protein pills, weight loss, metabolism boosting, etc...). A good way to incorporate more protein into your diet is to make different choices in what you eat. Eat more foods with protein i.e. beef, beans, nuts, and anything that has a good amount of protein in it. You can also try protein shakes but make sure to get some that are low in carbohydrates because that will make your body gain more fat then muscle. Muscle milk worked great for me. Oh and only use shakes with 30-35 grams of protein because anymore than that and you will drench your muscles.

Dryer isn't drying found lint outside?

My dryer is taking like 3 full cycles to dry a single load of laundry. My lint collector hasn't had too much lint but this last load of white which included towels had a good amount. I removed the hose and there was nothing in it I also removed the back and found a small amount of lint on the bottom of dryer that I removed. So I went outside to check the vent to see if anything was obstructing it and found alot of lint out there in the flaps of the vent and on the ground. I removed all that I could see/reach my hand to get. What could have caused that? Does lint normally go out the vent like that and could all this rain just have caused it to get wet and collect the lint? Or could there be something wrong with my dryer? It is a whirlpool maybe 6 years old working fine until recently when all the rain started.

Where is the best, least expensive place to get my cat shaved?

Her hair isn't that long but she just sheds so much, I'm tired of lint rolling everything all the time. I live in the cleveland area, but chains are ok to.

How can I clean my black fabric ballet flats?

wash them out by hand with woolite blot them well with a towel and letthem air dry .this should work .

How can I get rid of hair in my carpet?

Hair is such a disgusting element while cleaning.It keeps coming back everywhere.There are special nossles when vacuum cleaning that help you get the best of it.

Help! A kitten with a broken front leg!?

Same happen to my aunt's dog!! They could not pay :( But they said try to push a bone back in place in the broken leg and just keep her from running or walking alot.

How to clean an old playstation 2?

I used eletro-contact cleaner on a old nintendo system. It had gotten very dusty inside. Worked great and never had any other problems with system. Eletro-contact cleaner can be found at any hardware or home improvement store.

Discharge? What is normal discharge?

I have thick white discharge not clumpy but little lumps. Like pieces tissue lint or something? I dont really smell itch or burn. but its a lot sometimes but my period does start in like 2 more weeks?

Cobwebs and dust allover my room constantly?

So, first off, it started with just my rooms always being really dusty. ill dust the entire room one day and a couple days later it will be filled with dust again. And now recently there's starting to be little spiders in their webs on the window. And usually the beginning of a web or a cobweb in the corners of my room, usually with nothing in them. What the hellio is going on in my room??? =(

Just switched my kittens food to Innova Cat and Kitten food after having fed them cheap grocery store food?

you should be fine i brought a cat home from my parents after it had been fed grocery store food for like 4 years, and switched her to the innova as well she LOVES it although hated the soft food at first. they will likely eat less because it is more nourishing so it fills them up faster just follow the directions on the package for their age/weight group and they'll be fine. It shouldn't be detrimental at all many cats live to be in their 20s eating grocery store blends their whole lives. but the first thing you will probably notice in them is the change to their coats they will get so nice a shiney from the human quality food.

I have a kenmore drier and it was working fine now its not?

last night i put on a drier of clothes b4 i went to bed. i took them out and put in a new load but now it wont start. is their anything that i can check. the lint thing is clean i dont know. it just stopped.

Forty breeder bearded dragon and substrate?

So, I posted a question that had to do with substrates for my bearded dragon since I can't seem to find reptile carpet in brown for a forty breeder. I keep hearing that washed playsand is very good, but I also hear that it's dusty. Is there a way to make it not dusty that doesn't include wetting it after I stick it into my forty breeder? Also, would my bearded have less chance of impaction if I made half of the forty breeder sand and put tile on the other? This way I can keep his food on the tile end, and also feed him crickets there without him accidentally ingesting the sand. What do u guys think about this? Would anyone who is an experienced bearded keeper use this method? Or is it still dumb to use sand?

PLEASE HELP! The person who lives in the apartment below us smokes and we can't breathe?!?!?!!?

Air purifiers are your only option. Smoking is not illegal and you can't tell someone what they can or can't do in the privacy of their own home.

What should I name my character?

A young man of five and twenty who spends his days sitting on his porch with a pipe in hand picking at the lint of his clothing, while screaming at the frightening the childers if they come too close.

Suggest a rand name for lint free cloth?

I want to market my product Lint Free Cloth. This cloth is used for surface cleaning in industries like Automobile, Star Hotels, Multimedia, Glass wear Industry, Pharmaceutical and Chemical laboratories etc.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why do I get the stink eye from a Bible study group?

When I went to a church last fall for a turkey dinner, I noticed on their bulletin board that they were offering a Bible study. Since I am now retired, I was looking for something to do besides watch TV and surf the Internet. So I asked the pastor if the study was for church members only, or could anyone come. She said anyone was welcome. They meet one morning a week and I've been going to it since last November. We read a chapter, the discuss it with the pastor's guidance. I am familiar with the Bible, having read it through 5 times. If there a question at the study, I usually give the others that attend a chance to answer (the other attendees are senior woman), but more often than not, they just sit there and look uneasy, so then I chime in. Sometimes the pastor is so impressed with my answers that she writes them down what I say to use in her sermons, commenting that I am inspired (or something to that effect). However, when that happens, the other study members usually give me sidelong annoyed glances when I speak and especially if it impresses the pastor. Why should what I say bother them so?

Is Russia considered geographically in Europe or Asia?

Geographically, Russia belongs to the continent of Asia but the truth is Asia, comes with slightly poor economy, and the Russia wants to belong to the advanced economy, the Europe.. that's why they belong themselves to Europe even geographically not..

The Check Lint Screen light is flashing, I've checked and the lint screen is clean! What's wrong?

The lights on the panel are all flashing. The check lint screen light is flashing. I've cleaned the lint screen and I've run a dryer vent brush through the machine and through the dryer vent to the outside. Everything is clean. Is there any type of switch or connector that might be dirty that is telling the dryer to check the lint screen?

Where can i get a turkey jibblet :P?

I want to trick my bro into thinking its thanksgiving because he pored blue paint on my hands at lunch at school earlier this yr

What side dish should I make with my turkey burgers?

squash and zucchini with garlic, salt , pepper and butter wrap in tin foil and grill for 20 mins until tender mmmmm so good

Is dryer lint good for the vegetable garden?

I can't think of any application where it would be of a benefit. I'm very interested to see all these answers.

What is my collectible Jesse James Chopper worth?

Would really depend on the exact model. Best place to check would be eBay to see what the going price is for it.

Ugg question!! HELP!?

Hey guys. I'm getting my third pair of Uggs and I am getting the classic short. I want to know what color you think I should get and a website too. I already found a good one where they are having a sale and it is 75 dollars because they are not selling as much as they would like. Choose between Grey, Black, Chestnut, or Brown. Right now I have the bailey buttons in heirloom lilac which is purple and another one in dusty thistle in which is a light purple. Give it to me in the order you think I should get them. Don't say Uggs are Uggly or something 'cause I don't care.

How can i quit smoking?

I don't want to gain weight and I don't want the patch. I wanna do it cold turkey. Is there anything I can do or eat that will help? Please hurry, I want to buy a pack right now.

Is it ok to feed my border terrier, boiled breast chicken with boiled sausage,?

i have every type of dryed food or i've tried it ,also all types of tinned an packet food , he won't touch it, once in a blue moon he'll have a bit of dryed, as i always leave some in his bowl but it all ends up out for the birds , so the only food he will eat is boiled sausage or chicken not fryed or baked and won't touch turkey, i'm a little concerned as i love oscar and want the best long life for him, he has shapes and dental stick for breakfast, thanks all x

Breeding with Chimps?

Different species cannot breed. It's not possible, it will self terminate the pregnancy. It's been tried.

What type of glue is used on adhesive tapes or lint removers?

None. The adhesive used is NOT glue. Without the backing material, it would not hold two pieces of lint together.

I really dont like eating meat, but i'm not a vegan?

I eat bacon and turkey (deli meat) and cheeseburgers from hardees, sometimes, but i dont like eating other meats at all. They're not appitizing to me. I'm 13. Is that normal? :S

Can I add dryer lint to concrete to help reinforce it for my water pond?

I am redoing the walls on my water pond and I want to cement in some of the rocks because my dog keeps pushing them in. I know they sell stuff to add to concrete to help it hold up better when useing it on water features. But last time i checked I would have to order it and I am trying to save money. Do you think adding some dryer lint to the cocrete would do the same thing?

What type of dog should my dad get?

I think you should get an american bulldog. Most amazing companions, very smart and loyal. Great guard dogs. they match your description perfectly!

How did our school children end up eating Turkey Twizzlers & Burger + Chips....?

Because the school can't cook actual food so they buy premade and them reheat that, if they didn't no one would buy school food.

Anyone know a reliable provider of Travel insurance for Ukrainian citizen to travel abroad?

the insurers DO care where you are from; for instance, policies in the UK are often only available to UK citizens. Surely your girlfriend, as an independent adult, can find travel insurance in the Ukraine or via an online search from a Ukrainian company?

Small, black, round bugs in my room!?

I know for a fact that they are not bed bugs. They look nothing like them and they dont bite. I'll find them on my pillow sometimes and sometimes on my carpet. My room is very clean so their not being attracted by garbage or anything, they just come in from somewhere. They are round and all black. They are very small and sometimes look like a tiny peice of lint. I cant tell if they have wings or not but I usually find them in fabric areas. Please dont say they are bed bugs because I know they are not.

What do you think of the beginning to my story?

It has potential, but in all honesty it didn't catch my attention. It's not the worst story I've read; this story just isn't me. Keep writing though :D

What do you Want from Me? is there a more obvious way of asking this question, explain?

I want answers to life , why are we here reading your poet words , maybe just to have fun .Can you tell us why you are here for us , we need you for our daily fix

Where would I find Turkey Meatball Spice?

I don't think there's a specific turkey meatball spice blend- you can use pretty much any spice blend for meatballs but for a traditional Italian flavor, pick up an Italian spice blend- they have them at most stores.

Is there any kind of product that can help to keep dog fur off of furniture and clothing?

I got a new dog this past January and I love him to death. The only problem is he's a border collie mix, so he has very fluffy white fur that just seems to get all over everything. Most of the clothes I wear are dark in color, like black, grey, red, etc. so his fur shows up like crazy. I've gone through probably about 10 to 15 lint rollers these past 4 months, it's like even when I have my clothes hanging in the closet with the door shut they still manage to get fur on them! So are there any kind of products, like a spray or something, that repels dog fur? Or am I just doomed to a life of excessive lint rolling?

I have a Whirlpool washer , bought new in 1999, and I wondered if there is a lint filter in those old washers?

It smells like wet clothes in there all the time, even when there are no clothes in it...please help. If there is a lint filter and it needs to be cleaned out, then where would it be located?

Need help getting six pack, will give best answers lotsa points!?

Right offall I can think of is make sure youre doing high reps on your ab area, p90x for example adds way more muscle than it does trim yanno, low weight, high reps. Check out some boxing style cardio, paddles are portion best in my opinion, bob and weave is not for the faint at heart

Going to Turkey for 2weeks All Inclusive. How much spending money should I take?

I am going to Turkey next month for 2weeks All Inclusive and wonder how much I should need. We will be going out for the occasional drinks and maybe a meal or two for a change of All Inclusive. Maybe do a few trips/excursions. How much does a main meal cost? And how much is it for alcohol, vodka & coke, wine etc? I will be using Turkish Lira..

What is your favourite kind of sammich?

bq: is it just me, or does small town girl is now a hamster have a crush on dusty rhodes, but dusty likes mantastic travis...?

My roper dryer gets hot but doesn't dry clothes what should I do ?

the outside flap for the exhaust pipe may be clogged closed with lint. it's also possible the the whole exhaust pipe may need to be cleaned. if the hot air inside the dryer can't get outside the clothes will take hours and hours to maybe dry. check the pipe going from the back of the dryer to the outside including the outside flap.

Raising turkeys will maple syrup and turkey pellits make em fat?

Im showing turkeys for my 1st time this year normaly i just do chickens just wondering does turkey pellits and syrup make em fatter? and also does it help wid chickens but chicken crumble instead

Read this paragraph. Now, are you tempted to read further?

No...Very boring and over-descriptive. I don't need to know every little thing about a sewing machine...What does it have to do with your story?

Should i just get a new laptop?

About two year ago my dad got me a 5517 series Acer laptop for christmas. this is my first laptop and i have been pretty rough with it, I have two missing keys (the keyboard in general is dusty), the usb ports do not work, my computer syas i need to replace the battery, and one of the hinge covers is off. Besides that normal wear and tear ,fading, scratches, the normal stuff. Anyway, next year I'm going to college and I was wondering if I should try to get this computer fixed or if i should just go ahead and save up to buy a new one. Thanks for your help ahead of time :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Why does my clothes dryer smell like it's burning, even after I cleaned out all the lint?

the lint filter will catch most but not all lint. it's time to take the back off the dryer and vacuum it out. also make sure the exhaust hose is clear as well as the duct from the filter to the exhaust hose. while you're in there check the belt that turns the drum. If you frequently overload, the drum lag during the cycle may burn the belt.

In Sims 2 How Do I Get The Dust out of Vacumn?

In Sims 2 How Do I Get The Dust out of Vacumn? when i vacumn in the game i click something and the screen gets dusty. What do i do?

Do I have OCD and is there something wrong with me?

I have been thinking that i have had OCD for quite a while. For a few years now I have noticed some symptoms that may be associated with OCD. In particular in the last year I received a mac book from my school. On the mac book when pressing the command key and the space bar it opens a quick spotlight option. Once I found out I could do this without affecting what I was working on I started tapping it, obsessively. I tapped the space bar while holding both command keys next to it. When I was typing in school or at home I would tap it after finishing a sentence or paragraph. It just became this thing that I did. I really don't know how to describe it, it sounds silly when typing this. This didn't hinder my work in anyway but it made a loud noise that nobody mentioned at home, I pressed the space bar hard and tapped it many many times trying to make it feel right but it never really did. This was accompanied by pressing hard and swiping my hand across the clicker looking for the same feeling. I also would type, delete, and re-type letters, especially 'e' and I think 'c', I think the girl who sat next to me in computer class noticed after I did it about 10 times. I would also highlight and re-highlight the words on a web page (in the past sentence I just typed, deleted and re-typed the letter 'd' and 'c'). I would also tap other key combinations such as the command+tab shortcut which switches applications. I noticed that my symptoms were directly related with how emotional I was or how much stress I am under. Since the summer started I haven't shown many of the symptoms mentioned above, partly because of the stress-free environment of summer and mostly (I think) because I don't have the mac book any more. This was all in the past year (my first year of high-school). Before this I would visualize lining up telephone poles that I saw through the windows of our car and in restaurants. My mother noticed that I would move around in my seat lining things up outside from my perspective. I also played a game in the car where I would line up the tops of the telephone poles (with the antenna-like tops with the wires) with the blue visor at the top of our windshield (this is hard to explain also). I've always suspected this was a game though. I don't do either of these things anymore. Nowadays I will roam around the house tapping the walls and tabletops and assorted bed stands that I walk by. Sometimes I with tap the first digits of my fingers (on the inside) with some force on the top of a table or a wall. When I get medicine out of the medicine cabinet I will repeatedly touch the door and close it because it doesn't close all the way and this bothers me. I also collect useless junk. I have pieces of paper and lint that I don't want to throw away for some reason. I just collect this stuff. When the top cloth layer of the inside sole of my right shoe came out my mother wanted to throw it away but I insisted that I keep it. This also includes the clippings of my jeans that were tearing off at the bottom. Luckily I have thrown both of these pathetic items away. During the summer after 8th grade I decided to go through and throw out all of my papers from that year. Most kids say they are ready to burn their binders but I wanted to horde mine and all of the papers inside. I wanted to keep all of those papers with my A+'s on them. I thought that one day I would need them to show to someone how smart I am. I ended up throwing them away. We kept them in a brown bag that was ready to be thrown out. My mother said she would throw them away in the morning. I had a mini-panic attack that evening and I think I convinced my mother to keep them for a month or two. They're gone now. I don't know if the rest of this is related or not but here it goes; When making a decision I can usually say yes or no. But like this one time my sister and her two friends were going out with my mother and they asked me whether I wanted to come along. I initially refused but then I sat in my chair for a bit while they went out to the car. I racked my brain trying to make a decision whether I wanted to go or not. I was and still am convinced that I need to be impulsive and take those seemingly minor decisions like going with my sister and her friends. I grabbed my shoes and socks and ran out the door before they left with a quick, "I'm going too!" to my dad. I ran to the car barefoot as they were about to pull away. I was convinced I would meet someone and I would have a "book moment" (I hope you know what I mean). This also happened today when deciding whether to go walking with my dad, I also walked in complete silence with him, wondering whether I should talk about how I handled him wanted to show how to use a gun and being a "wimp" a few years ago. Do I have an anxiety disorder or something? I think it runs in the family, depression and the whol

Whats the first thing that comes to mind when i say.....?

Bunnies. That is all. Answer mine? a href=""…/a

How often do you have to clean the lint out of the dryer hose?

We clean it every couple months, but I have found if you make sure to clean the vent inside the dryer, there is very little to no lint in the hose. Because of this I could probably go a lot longer, but because a fear of fires I just pull the end off of the dryer and check every so often.

Lint in your dryer? what happens to that lint when you line dry your laundry?

Lint in the dryer is formed from clothes being in contact with other clothes for some time rolling around and around in warm air. Whats dried on the line doesn't get lint because it doesn't have the chance to form.

How can I quit smoking on my own?

Find something to keep your hands busy, like whittling or knitting, then stop smoking. When you really want a cigarette tell yourself to wait an hour and then see how you feel.

The bible says atheists will go to heaven?

Daniel 12:2-3 Many of those who sleep in the dusty ground will awake – some to everlasting life, and others to shame and everlasting abhorrence. But the WISE will shine like the brightness of the heavenly expanse. And those bringing many to righteousness will be like the stars forever and ever

WWE Roster Cuts: who do you think will be surprisingly released?

I see Ted DiBiase and/or Kofi Kingston being released.Kofi isn't getting over with the fans even as US Champion,and he's getting boring for the fans.If he doesn't change his gimmick he's gonna get released.And Ted well he's done NOTHING since the breaking up of Legacy.I see him getting released this year or soon.

Clothes dryer not drying?

I have a Roper dryer and everything seems to work like it always has (tumbling, heating), but it just isn't drying anymore. I checked the lint trap and the hose and there is nothing clogging either of them. The clothes washer is also spinning just as it used to, so that is not the problem either. Any thoughts before we shell out a bunch of money on either a repair or a new machine? Sorry, but I don't have the model of the machine in front of me. Thanks!

Dryer is hot but not drying?

Recently my Whirlpool electric dryer has pretty much stopped working. It would turn on, spin, get hot, but the clothes will still be wet after hours of drying. There would be noticeable moisture at the bottom of the drum, and also the lint collector stopped collecting lint. I suspected a blockage in the exhaust vent, so I replaced the tube and removed a ball of lint from the portion of vent that extends through the wall. This vent goes vertical through the wall. Does anyone know what is causing this?

Texting internationally?

so im going to turkey for 2 weeks. and i text A LOT so i will surely be receive many texts. i have unlimited texts. will it cost to send texts internationally? will it cost money to recieve texts? is there any way i can turn off texting while i am on my trip without getting charges for the ones i recieve?

Fiance wants me to move in with his dad and him...?

Talk to his dad and explain to him that unfortunately you will NOT be able to move in because you feel like if both of you are wanting to take that leap into marriage then you both must live together ALONE!!! Have places already picked out and tell him the pros of living together. If he still dosnt see eye to eye on this then maybe you really need to take a step back and look at this whole relationship. He sounds kinds inmature with the whole " live somewhere for free" bit. If you need any more advice drop me an email at advice_from_experience at yahoo. Good Luck

What types of stores are cute and feels comfortable ?

well some clothing stores like hollister, abercrombie, aeropostale, limited too if your a young girl! and stuff like that claires? any kind of bookstores great!

Tiny red bugs in my bed that looks like a lint ball?

For about 3 weeks Ive been trying to figure out what is biting me in my bed. Couple days I jumped up grabbed a lamp and seen 5 little moving red spots moving (the size of pin head) I squished it and it left a blood spot. Didn't see no legs, tentacles or nothing just looking like a moving red lint ball. They cause mosquito looking bumps the first day then go done to just a nasty looking bump. I thoroughly checked my mattress for residue, shedding, etc and nothing nor any other sign of infestation. What could these be if there's no signs anywhere else. The don't look like pictures Ive seen on bed bugs or clover mite..Please tell me what a moving red lint ball looking insect is.

Raising turkeys will maple syrup and turkey pellits make em fat?

Im showing turkeys for my 1st time this year normaly i just do chickens just wondering does turkey pellits and syrup make em fatter? and also does it help wid chickens but chicken crumble instead

Dryer burnt circle patern onto pillow cases?

Looks like you overstuffed the dryer and the cases got pushed against the side of the dryer by the other items in there. You could try rewashing them by themselves and drying them again, by themselves so they have room to circulated inside the dryer. That may take the pattern away.

My friend is a hoarder, and it's sickening. What can I do?

The kindest thing you can do is get social services involved as well as the humane society. Your friend has significant psychology issues that you cannot help her with by yourself.

Dust around house how to get rid of?

Don't leave windows open too much, we get tons of dust through them. And use Pledge instead of water, dust will settle on water, Pledge picks up the dust without leaving it damp. What I do is spray a feather duster with a bit of Pledge and dust. When it's loaded, I shake it out outside and keep going. We also have two cats so there's dust and cat hair and this works wonders. And I agree with cleaning vents and filters, I just washed an AC filter tonight.

Why is there a black screen after applying thermal compound?

My heatsink was overheating, so I decided to add new thermal paste. I cleaned the old thermal paste off the heatsink and cpu with a lint free cloth and 70% Isopropyl alcohol. When I cleaned the cpu, I did lift it off and touched the bottom, so I wiped the bottom with the lint free cloth. I applied new thermal, placed everything back, and plugged in the computer power and monitor. The fan automatically ran, without actually having the computer on. I pushed the power button, nothing, just a black screen. The power light is orange/amber, not green. I did notice that there was one short beep when I plugged in the power. I already unplugged the power, pressed the power button for 1 min, and plugged in power back in, but the screen is still black. I don't think I misplaced the cpu. Did I apply too much thermal paste? Do I have to remove and apply thermal paste again if I readjust the cpu? At least there is no more hot heat coming from heat sink. Hopefully I did not accidentally damaged something. No damage is visible.

Why do my headphones keep poping out of the port on my iPod touch?

Iv tryed blowing lint out but there is none there, and when I put headphones in my iPod it just pops them out

What type of wall in my house?

Tap the wall with your fist to locate a hollow between studs. Next place your right elbow in your left hand and strike the wall firmly and flatly with your fist. You're not trying to break the wall - use just enough pressure to dislodge any filler between lathe strips. If you hear anything falling down in the wall it's a good bet the wall is plaster and lathing. If it just sounds hollow chances are it's sheetrock or drywall. A plaster wall may require plastic anchors and a screw to catch the wire of the picture frame, whereas a sheetrock wall may only require a small nail or nail/hook assembly. Shelves that may have to carry additional weight should be anchored to the wall studs. If their just for a few nick-nacks then you should be able to get away with butterfly anchors.

Screen protector help?

does the sticky side of a screen protector have to go on the phone or can the other side go on the phone? does it make a difference, n if i don't have a lint free cloth what else can i used to clean up the screen n my phone?

Is Sims Medieval worth playing?

I don't know I haven't played that game in like in 2 years. Ever since The Sims 3 came out I stopped playing it cause I was just so fed up with the graphics and such and the game-play was weird to I just wasn't satisfied with it as I was with The Sims 2, I didn't even care about the freeplay game world thing. I just can't even remember why I was so fed up with the game-play I think it was because of the non-storytelling effect that The Sims 2 had sure they had wishes and stuff but I just got really bored with it and I was like to myself how are we going to make this work.

Monday, July 18, 2011

How much would it cost for an inside detail of my car?

Just recently bought a Chevy Impala, car was sitting for a while like 2 years or so, it has a old smell in it, stains here an there, nothing crazy though. It just really smells, kinda dusty with crumbs betweens seats.. i just would like to know average cost to detail the inside completely?? car has cloth interior (if it helps)... Thanks

How can I control my sexual urges?


How to unblock YouTube on iphone?

I live in turkey, and the government has blocked YouTube. I don't want to use a proxy on my iPhone because I don't know how. Is there a way to watch YouTube videos on my iPhone without using a proxy? Maybe a jailbreak tweak or an app? Thanks :)

Diazepam widrawl cold turkey from low dose?

Is it ok to drop diazepam cold turkey been on for eight month or so on a low dose of 2.5 mg ..or should i taper?

Question about Bankruptcy and Property?

Call your lender one more time tell them they have 30 days to pick up the truck and if they do not come and pick it up you will drive it without making any payments....also send them a certified letter in the mail that way they have to sign for it....and also a e-mail with a read receipt on it that way you know they read it.....this will cover you in the court of law if they try to say you stole the car or something......

I have been bitten by an insect or mite, need advice please?

Doesn't sound like scabies, but like you got an allergic reaction to something you used in the shower. The antihistamine PX wont do any harm.

First time raising turkeys?

Ive been through multiple flocks of chickens and have gotten the process of raising them down pretty well. Lost a couple flocks due to bad latches on an old coop and a hungry fox but we have since built a new coop and no problems so far. I recently got 6 baby chickens to replace my old hens who have stopped laying and will replace them as they die off to keep our flock around 15. The babies recently went outside and now I have room for my turkeys which I just picked up this morning. I only got 2 as I dont want to overcrowd my back yard, and we were considering using them as thanksgiving dinner but now im not too sure if they will be ready by then if they are 3 days old today? They are white ones i forget the name of the breed. I currently have them in my basement with a heat lamp and food and water. I was just curious if turkeys bond with humans? I had one rooster who followed me like a dog but I have never had another quite like him. I would enjoy friendly turkeys but then Im not sure i could bring myself to eat them! I also want to check and make sure it would be ok to keep them in with my chickens and goats when they get big enough to go outside. Their pasture is maybe 200x100 feet. Just looking for some tips. Im not worried but i would like to know

Am i weird... or normal?

I am a 16 y/o... 93 pound female. Sometimes what n im alone... I like to pick my nose an eat the stuff. An I pick my butt an sniff and taste the lint. An I pop pimples to eat the pus. An I sniff my farts because they just smell sooooooooooo good.

WWE '12 Wishlist; Do you agree? What would you add / take away?

Dude, you do rrealiseTHQ cannot put all of this in one game for the simple fact that WWE basically only gives them a year to spit out these games. Its not like they want to release an unfisnished game. They have to or they dont get their money. So the reason they cant put all of this in the game is because they simply dont have the time. Now If you ask me. I think they just need to go back to the smackdown controls all together and just bring back those old match types. I honestly dont care if they have to take out certain things or hell even tone down the graphics or whatever. But bring back the old GM mode and season mode. I like the idea of rtwm but it just sucks you can only play 3 months of WWE programming. WWE Universe mode is cool but really imo it isnt necassary. You might as well take it out and replace it with GM mode. Just go back to what made the games fun in the first place. We dont need these different controls. I think THQ thinks they have to be bold and different every year when the truth is, they just need to go back in time to what made these games rock, they dont need to add all this extra stuff to make it "realistic" I dont need a realistic wrestling game. If I wanted realism, Id go train to be a wrestler. Thats why I go to video games, to escape reality. Any way, yea thats basically my wish list

Persistant dry cough. Chest X ray results....?

Had a pesistant dry cough for 3 moths, got chest x ray results back and all clear. Was working on a farm in VERY dusty conditions prior to bad chest. Doctor said chest is ok. Told me to buy antihisimines and that would stop the cough, I told her that im no longer exposed to dusty conditions and she still told me to get antihisimines. I also have to keep clearing my throat as if something is stuck there. Do you think its post nasel drip? What medication should i get?

Tetanus from a scrape?

I live in an apt in NYC. Scraped the top of my foot with my bike pump's bottom (it's made of metal). The metal isn't rusty, just a little dusty. The scrape drew some blood, and within a few minutes I washed the scrape with soap and put some bacitracin on it. Is a tetanus booster necessary IMMEDIATELY?

How do you get astroturf out of nylon pants? Are tweezers the only option?

This sounds like an issue of static. Try rubbing your pants with dryer sheets to cut down on the static holding the turf to them.

How much is a Gi Joe 80s Uss Flag Ship parts ship ?

typically 99 and will depend on the sticker coloring and plastic condition. The missiles, microphone, and tow truck (and good deck clips) are some of the most valuable pieces.

Will a dryer mess up if the lint catcher is missing?

I bought a dryer from a guy selling one on Craigslist yesterday, but today I noticed the lint collector is missing. If I use it like this, will it break?

19 Arabs brought the US to its knees What sort of super power is it we follow?

And "little" georgie bush played right into OBL hand, when he invaded Iraq. Over 5,000 dead, over 600,000 disabled for life and trillions of dollars poured down into that bottomless pit in Iraq.

What is going on with these guys?

There is this two stalkers on the net that i know of .One of them is from Turkey, He is a Washer/Dryer repair guy working for Bosch in Bursa. He is in his late 30s and never been married. The other guy is from Ohio and being dumped by his wife because she was cheating on him with his friend and literally hates women. He hates his wife too. On his face book account he claims her as his wife just to get back to her. He once told me that the family get to gethers are the only way he can torture to his ex. These two systematically stalking females and sometimes males together. One of them is really good on computers. He is hacking the emails and face book accounts and helping his partner and giving the information to the American guy. I saw the US guys photo and once saw the Turkish guy on the webcam. They are so similar in build and physics and features. The US guy is quite feminine the way that he talks, thinks, looks..etc. The Turkish guy is keep telling he is not a womanizer and females are no interest of his. He claims, he is only looking for friendship. Yet he is stalking the females the other guy was interested in and giving him the info and helping him to play with them. It Looks like the US guy is so involve with pornography and relate everything with sex. It is almost like he wants to prove himself that he is not a homosexual. He is also quite fragile looking man too. Everything he does sounds like to prove others that he is into females and he gets sadistic when his preys don't act the way he wants. The Turkish guy is watching him cyber with other girls.Both of them claim to be Muslim so they can motivate other low lives like them to participate their online activities. The Turkish guy is a dumb man. His intelligence is really limited. Is it possible that he is not gay.Do you think there is something homosexual going between these two? Is it possible that a person can watch porn, stalk females on the net just to prove that he is not gay?

What meats can you cook stovetop?

Hi I just moved into a new place w/ a roomate. I love to cook but we don't have a working oven. I know how to dredge and fry porkchops, thin chicken, and of course beef on the stove top, but those three choices are getting old quickly. What other options/ways of cooking meat stovetop are there? Can I do thicker cuts of chicken like legs, hind-quarters, or turkey wings? How about ribs? Any advice or even recipes would be much appreciated, thanks!

Trying to Prevent a Dryer-Vent Fire?

Please help. My little brother did a junk-ton of laundry and didn't clean the vent.. When I went to clean it, the lint rolled up as i pulled it out and slipped back down the vent.. I tried using a shop-vac to get it out, but that didn't work.. and I have a load of laundry that needs drying... what do I do?

My baby is six months old ....?

its time to switch to 2nd food. they r a bit thicker, but not much. once he is used to them... a couple weeks, then u can start pureeing ur foods. meats and veggies and fruits. no need for extra sugars, salts or seasonings. he doesnt need them. some babies at a year old dont have teeth yet, but they still gnaw the food with their gums. if he can do the pincer grasp u can give him cooked carrots cut into tiny bites and he can feed himself and u can feed them. i think thats about 9 months.

How can I tell if a cat is pregnant? Why won't he/she eat?

Some piece of scum left this cat in a carrier at the entrance of my neighborhood, obviously hoping someone would take it. I am an animal lover so of course I did, I mean it was like 100 degrees outside! And there was no water or food or anything, just a cat in a dusty, dirty, old carrier. The cat isn't dirty though at all in fact its very sweet and soft and cute. Doesn't look over 2 years old. However I can't get it to eat. I'm trying to feed it a can of Friskies and it kind of licks at it when I start hand feeding it but it acts like its afraid to actually chew it, even when I put it on the ground it wont eat it, it will only lick it. Also it hasnt drank any water and its been like 12 hours almost. I cant tell if its a boy or girl so how can I tell? Also its really fat, and i think, if its a girl, it looks pregnant. the fat isnt so much flubbery but more hard. i googled earlier how to tell if a cat is pregnant and it mostly said to check its nipples but the cat is so nervous i cant get it to sit still for me to look at them. i tried feeling for them and i dont feel anything. what do i do? it doesnt seem sick but should i got to the vet? or is it normal for a cat not to want to eat or drink when in a new environment? i really just want whats best, thank you for helping!

Help me with my muscle growth! 10 points!!!?

okay so i am a vegetarian. i can not eat fish, turkey, eggs and meat. i can drink milk. and eat vegetables obviously. i am skinny and i have been going to the gym for weeks. i lift 20 pounds (10 in each hand) like 40 times. i do that everyday at the gym, as well as machines. i do that for an hour. now my brother, who is skinnier than me is still stronger than me. he never goes to the gym and sits around on the laptop all day. me, i dont look or feel different, but yet my brother can still beat me in an arm wrestle. PLEASE HELP THIS MAKES NO SENSE TO ME. ( i think my brother hit puberty if that makes a difference)?

Are round bales undesireable? Couple other questions... 10 pts!?

1. Looks like a nice stable. I used to feed my horses round bales.I found that u waste more hay, and yes I think it's more dusty then square bails.If thats all they have you can soak the hay before you give it to your horse. The grain, here they just call it horse crunch.

How long does it take for my breast to stop producing milk?

My baby is now 7 in a half month old and I BF him for about 6 months. I did not use the rx and just quit breastfeeding cold turkey. At first I had really bad engorgement, but now I no longer have this problem. The thing is that although I am no longer engorged and am no longer leaking or swelling up my breast still have milk in them. I know this bc I got curious one day and squeezed a little and I still had milk in both breasts. Exactly how long will it take for me to no longer have any milk in there period? Also when you stopped BF did you notice that your appetite decreased and you dropped a couple of pounds?

Can Guys Like 2 Girls @ the SAME time?

A guy can like or love more than 2 girls at once. It's not what you want to know but I'm telling you anyway. He obviously sees something in you that's not in his girlfriend. That's the reason guys see more than one girl.

Antidepressant cold turkey problems?

I quit paxil cold turkey about 4 or 5 days ago. Since then the withdrawal symptoms have been next to unbearable. I can't sleep because every 10-20 seconds I get brain zaps, I'm too dizzy to walk, my eyes are blurred, I go through periods of vomiting and seem to have a constant headache. Feels like I have 8 lots of flu all on top of each other with the added bonus of an electric current running through my head. I did this without telling my doctor first (not my most cleverest of ideas) but I do want to go back on them again. If I were to just start taking my normal dose again (30mg) then would the withdrawal symptoms do a disappearing act fairly quickly? Or will they persist for a longer period of time even if I take it as normal. Should I just take my normal dose again or build up to it?

I have become addicted to painkillers and don't know what to do?

A few months ago, after a painful operation, the doctor put me on painkillers (combination of paracetamol= tylenol and codeine). The problem is that I kept taking them even after the pain subsided, because they made me feel better, and I felt I could perform better at work while I was on them. The codeine especially makes me feel more energetic. I tried to stop taking the tablets a few times, but felt so awful that I had to start again. I take at least 6 tablets a day and cannot imagine what to do without them. But I'd really like to stop because I know I am doing myself damage and I can't go on like that. By the way I don't drink or smoke, and used to be quite healthy before my addiction kicked in. Please give me some advice on how to stop without going crazy. Do I have to go cold turkey? And no judgmental answers please I will not even look at anything negative. Criticism is the last thing I need.

What are some great games on the PS3?

I have been getting quite bored with my Xbox 360 lately so I decided to start up my dusty Playstation 3. So i have been wondering what games are great for the playstation (they don't have to be exclusive to the ps3 and they don't have to be relatively new).

Poll :Lunch,hot open turkey sandwich,hot open roast beef sandwich, or open meat loaf sandwich?

Is this a poll of what I want or what you should have? If it's for me, I'd only eat the fries or the potato, because all your choices have meat on them.

What power does a green laser need to be before i can see the beam?

I've seen videos of 1mw and 5mw producing a beam in the dark, but i was wondering does it HAVE to be foggy, smoky, dusty etc in order to see the beam or should i be able to see it in the dark anyway?

Samsung Captivate, Otterbox, and screen protector question?

Alright, I have a Samsung Galaxy S Captivate smartphone-the screen being gorilla glass. For said phone, I purchased an Otterbox Commuter series case-but upon putting the screen protector on, I realized there was bubbles- so took it off. Tried again- now their was lint. I ended up taking the screen protector off-but my question is this. Do i need a screen protector for this, or am I just really paranoid? I

WWE '12 Wishlist; Do you agree? What would you add / take away?

Dude, you do rrealiseTHQ cannot put all of this in one game for the simple fact that WWE basically only gives them a year to spit out these games. Its not like they want to release an unfisnished game. They have to or they dont get their money. So the reason they cant put all of this in the game is because they simply dont have the time. Now If you ask me. I think they just need to go back to the smackdown controls all together and just bring back those old match types. I honestly dont care if they have to take out certain things or hell even tone down the graphics or whatever. But bring back the old GM mode and season mode. I like the idea of rtwm but it just sucks you can only play 3 months of WWE programming. WWE Universe mode is cool but really imo it isnt necassary. You might as well take it out and replace it with GM mode. Just go back to what made the games fun in the first place. We dont need these different controls. I think THQ thinks they have to be bold and different every year when the truth is, they just need to go back in time to what made these games rock, they dont need to add all this extra stuff to make it "realistic" I dont need a realistic wrestling game. If I wanted realism, Id go train to be a wrestler. Thats why I go to video games, to escape reality. Any way, yea thats basically my wish list

What language is this? Is this ancient Romanian?

It's not Latin - there is no 'k' in Latin. Apparently it's Romaji, which is the Latin transliteration of Japanese.

Whatever happened to dusty rhodes & steve austin?

I used to watch wrestling but didn't keep up in past few years. My fave wrestlers was steve austin and dusty rhodes (the dad of dustin rhodes if anyone remembers him). What happened to them?

Electric dryer not heating and stops?

We have a 2009 Kenmore Dryer and just 3 days ago it stop getting hot. It tumbles but there's no heat. Also, it will only tumble for about 10 minutes then it's stop and the "pause/cancel" button will blink and so will all of the buttons underneath ("cool down", "wrinkle rid", and "clean lint filter"). We cleaned out the lint filter and even let the dryer sit alone for 2 days, but it's doing the same thing. What could possibly be wrong? Do we need another heating element or is it something more serious? Thank you all so much! God Bless!

Im looking for pant pockets made for food?

i tried google but couldnt find what i was looking for. Does anyone know a site or something where i can buy some or teach me how to make some pant pockets or fanny pack things made just for food? Like in napolean dinamite were he pulls food out of his pants. IF i were to make some what is the good material so its not all dirty and pocket lint full and stuff?~!

Which of these violin rosins should i get?

All of these are perfectly fine rosins to use. Either the Pirastro Goldflex or the Gold has little flecks of gold inside, which doesn't really make a difference in the rosin, but it looks cool I guess. I might go with one of those, since most violinists use lighter rosin since it's less sticky than dark rosin and allows for a clearer sound when you play.

My friend is a hoarder, and it's sickening. What can I do?

The kindest thing you can do is get social services involved as well as the humane society. Your friend has significant psychology issues that you cannot help her with by yourself.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Can I get an airline employee when I'm about to board my flight?

You know that desk that you go to to check in or something and you give in your suitcases and label your carry-ons? Well can I get an airline employee to accompany me on my trip from Montreal-Istanbul, Turkey (direct flight)? I'm only 13 years old and I asked a previous question and someone said that human trafficking and prostitution was a big issue in Turkey so it wouldn't be a good idea to go alone. He also said that I would need to pay 100$ for the employee. Is this true?

What's in your purse?

Wallet, lip gloss, sunglasses, mary kay makeup compact, TONS of gum (i can't live without it), sharpies, paper, cell phone, lint roller, germ-x, and some M&M's. [:

Is this a well written prologue that makes you want to read the book?

Interesting! I was wondering what Alimundus was and then I read about Cassiopeia and I was like ohhh it's an alternate universe! (Is it?) I would definitely want to read this. One small thing: when the old woman is enchanting Cassiopeia, wouldn't she be using just spells as opposed to curses?

Can hepatitis b pass thru expired rubbing alcohol?

my grandfather had hepatitis b and severely and died from it. three days after he died we went to to clean out his apt... and i had a cut so i used his bottle of rubbing alcohol and poured it over my cut. then almost instanilty i noticed what i just done and became parionod so i looked at the alcohol bottle and noticed it was expied like in 08 or something and then i saw stuff floating like little black lint or something can i have hepatitis b now? i am super duper scared!

Can Guys Like 2 Girls @ the SAME time?

yeah a guy can like two girls ain't nothing wrong with that except dating two people at the same time is wrong think about it ok

Are these two guys homosexuals but they don't know it?

There is this two stalkers on the net that i know of .One of them is from Turkey, He is a Washer/Dryer repair guy working for Bosch in Bursa. He is in his late 30s and never been married. The other guy is from Ohio and being dumped by his wife because she was cheating on him with his friend and literally hates women. He hates his wife too. On his face book account he claims her as his wife just to get back to her. He once told me that the family get to gethers are the only way he can torture to his ex. These two systematically stalking females and sometimes males together. One of them is really good on computers. He is hacking the emails and face book accounts and helping his partner and giving the information to the American guy. I saw the US guys photo and once saw the Turkish guy on the webcam. They are so similar in build and physics and features. The US guy is quite feminine the way that he talks, thinks, looks..etc. The Turkish guy is keep telling he is not a womanizer and females are no interest of his. He claims, he is only looking for friendship. Yet he is stalking the females the other guy was interested in and giving him the info and helping him to play with them. It Looks like the US guy is so involve with pornography and relate everything with sex. It is almost like he wants to prove himself that he is not a homosexual. He is also quite fragile looking man too. Everything he does sounds like to prove others that he is into females and he gets sadistic when his preys don't act the way he wants. The Turkish guy is watching him cyber with other girls.Both of them claim to be Muslim so they can motivate other low lives like them to participate their online activities. The Turkish guy is a dumb man. His intelligence is really limited. Is it possible that he is not gay.Do you think there is something homosexual going between these two? Is it possible that a person can watch porn, stalk females on the net just to prove that he is not gay?

United Nations report: When will Turkey apologize before Israel for the provocation of Mavi Marmara?

for once i agree, i cant forget that idiot who rushed toward an armed soldier with a staff in hand! any soldier will shoot in such condition.

IPod Touch 2nd Generation Problem!?

Okay so I've had my iPod 2nd Gen for years now and I use it going back and forth from work for music, but lately it had been acting up such as the ipod was switching applications and doing as it pleased without me even touching the screen (Digitizer) so I got a new digitizer and replaced it , I made sure the port was not dusty or blocked and I still am getting the same problem, if anyone has any advice I'd be grateful for it.

Is the Turkey's government interested in supporting engineering ideas?

well i have quite an idea to invent some thing (its a manipulator mechanism), but i dont want to waste it..... will they support me to bring it to reality?

Why does my left eye sting & burn?

I've been a contact lens wearer for about 7 years now. For the past 3 years or so, I've noticed that my left eye has been getting irritated whenever I put my contact lens in. I assumed it was maybe lint or hair in the lens and tried washing it but the stinging is still there. I've changed contact lens brands to Air Optix, my contact solution and rewetting drops and the stinging and burning is still there! I came to terms that I probably have to live with it but it is so annoying! Even when I'm wearing my glasses, it feels as if I have an eyelash in my eye or it burns as if soap has gotten in my eye and it is horrible! Does anybody have a clue on what the hell is going on with my eye?!

Was my diet good? ok? bad?

Almond breeze almond milk actually has more calcium and vitamin D than milk. It also has less fat. For your bar replace that with fruit or a veggie like carrots and celery with hummus. Also replace that ice cream for athenos greek yogurt. Also cut out that bread with honey. You are eating way too much bread. Eat beans or something. Also for the cookie replace that with dark chocolate if you need something sweet.

What is this spherical black stone?

Ok I know the question is a little vaque, and without a picture this will be hard to judge but.... I found this rock outside, it was a black half sphere about the size of a baseball with a smaller center ball. I decided to clean it and break it open, the outer sphere came off no problem, but the inner sphere (where most of the weight is btw) stays intact. I chipped the small sphere a little and the inside looks like it has tiny crystals or something because it is shiny. To me it just looks like this rock is covered in some type of black dusty substance that has hardened on to it. How could I clean this, or better yet what is it?

What type of mouse bedding should I use?

Those all sound good but you also have to consider pricing! All of those can get very expensive very fast! I have 3 hamsters and 2 mice and I use kaytee kaykob bedding! I think it works just as good if not better than all of those alternatives! It's also half the price!!

Im addicted to sugar?

i eat sugar on everything ham sandwitches,turkey,green beans,ramon noodles,any type of soup, i even put sugar on sugar...i eat about 3 pounds of sugar aday.

What do you think of these names?

Will, Aiden, Bridgit, Courtney, Rachel, and McKenna are all cute, but I HATE the rest. (particularly Fanny...)

Is quitting weed whats best to do?What are the positives and negatives?

Keeping yourself occupied with something you LOVE doing is the key to staying off the weed now. I don't know what your preferences are, mine are craft and woodwork. I used to drink and then quit and started doing crafts....I love building things, so I started to do lots of wood work and now I have bad vision, so now I am occupied with figuring out how computers work, how the registry works, etc.etc. The key is to pick something you really love doing, because that will keep your mind occupied and then you won't even think about weed....good luck

Bed bugs, lint, or dirt?

It doesn't sound like bed bugs. They are the size of apple seeds and are reddish in color. You may be having an allergic reaction to the memory foam and the lint is coincidence. (My best guess is that you are seeing lint.)

Rainbow home cleaning system?

I need a really good air purifier and I have heard a few people tell me about a Rainbow Air Purifier. I already have a Kirby and I hate the thing. Does anyone have a Rainbow? Does it really do everything? Vacuum, deodarize, purify, humidify, sweep, dusting, mop, and carpet cleaning? someone said it even gets inside of dryers and can clean the lint out and under the fridge so you dont have to pull it out. sounds to good to be true...

How to make life allergic to dust easier?

Ok so... firstly have you been to an allergy specialist? They can generally give you advice on how to deal with your allergies. Try taking anti-histamine tablets when you feel really bad and changing your lifestyle (not drastically). Use pillow covers on your pillows before you put on the pillow slip. Use blankets instead of duvets and change your sheets regularly. Try and stay inside when there is a high pollen count or when someone is mowing the lawn. If that is not possible, wash your face and hands after going outside. As to the eraser shavings I have no suggestions to that but don't give up on something because of your allergies. As for being a doctor... go for it. Doctors are not perfect and chances are because you are closer to the situation you will be able to relate to people with allergies and at the same time you might be able to find out more about them and ways to stop them getting really bad. If you want to be a doctor GO FOR IT! Seriously! Life can be tough when you have allergies but keep your head high and do what you love. Hope that helps :)

Can my landlord have my car towed from complex for being dirty (dusty)?

I live in Arizona and got a notice that I am not allowed to have a dirty car and could be towed at owner's expense. My car is in good condition and I do drive it. It does not have any flat tires and it has plates with current registation tags. After carefully examining my rental agreement, I see nothing in it that says I must keep my car clean or it will be towed.

How can I quit smoking on my own?

Find something to keep your hands busy, like whittling or knitting, then stop smoking. When you really want a cigarette tell yourself to wait an hour and then see how you feel.

I have a Kenmore 70 series Washer that leaves a lot of lint on my dark clothes. How do I clean this?

I have a Kenmore 70 series Washer that leaves a lot of lint on my dark clothes. Model number for the washer is 110.26722690 (probably made in 1995-1996 time-frame). I see lot more lint when I do not use the dryer. I tried to open the washer to see if I can find the lint trap, but I do not see anything. Some folks say that some model have a filter while others have a self-cleaning system. Can someone help me find the filter if my model has one? Or if it is self cleaning system, how do I clean that and get rid of the lint? Thank you.

What cleaner should i use for my monitor screen?

"CAPTAIN GENIUS !!" is right, I just wanted to add on one thing, you should wipe it from one direction to the other, left to right or right to left (your choice) and then one vertical wipe at the end to collect any dust/debris build up (top to bottom or bottom to top, your choice). Don't rub it in circles or back and forth, etc and stay away from paper towels/tissues. For the same reason you shouldn't use them on eye glasses, the wood fiber in them is sometimes large enough to cause scratches, especially on the soft plastic of LCD screens.

I got some of the lint in my sock in my cut on my foot?

yesterday i cut the top of one of my toes and when i took my sock off today there is like sock lint in the scab and i cant get it out. is that bad?

Why is there always lint in my bellybotton? Does my body produce it?

Sometimes when I don't shower for many days, my bellybutton produces lots of lint. I googled this, but I couldn't find anyone else with similar conditions. Should I seek medical care? Is this the beginning of something serious?

Best way to dry hands?

i wore contacts as a teenager but stopped when i moved out on my own cuz i couldnt afford them. but i recently decided to go back to contacts. im doing everything the same way i did years ago. before handling my contacts i wash my hands and dry them with a paper towel. i have tried several different brands of paper towels but all of them are leaving alot of lint on my hands which transfers to my contacts. any suggestions on a low lint paper towel or should i keep air drying my hands?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why is my maytag neptune clothes dryer is blowing cold air?

my clothes are not getting dry. I tried cleaning the lint holder, I also went behind the dryer and tried cleaning the hose on back of the dryer where the lint come out at and out the house, i just dont understand this dryer is not 5 years old. please help.......... And its a gas dryer if that will help anyone

Dust dangerous to cat & dog?

Doing a bit of work on the ceiling/walls and then painting it. It's really dusty in a lot of the house. Should I keep them confined to less dusty areas? We had to move furniture around everywhere too, so there's not much room for them to go.

What do asian boys think about turkish girls ?

I'm in love with a korean boy and we are friends but I don't have any opinion how Asia thinks about Turkey - if they have any prejudices or anything like that :D

I just found out im prego but I smoke ciggerrette , I'm 5 wks prego?

I have normally about 5 to 7 cig.s A day but last week I tried going cold turkey and I did pretty good until I had a stressful day at work/home , so I ended up having 5 through out the whole week..... I feel so guilty !!! What's the least amount I could have & when is the best time to quite before it really effects my baby???

My clothes dryer vents outdoors now I have lint in the garden?

I have problems with my clothes dryer venting outside and there's a bunch of dryer lint in the garden now - why is it doing this and how do I stop it? It's a newer dryer less than 2 years old. We clean the lint trap every occasion we use it. Ideas?

Could you create your own storm?

something scientists have been trying to figure out for decades. look it up, its all theoretical like you said. there are so many variables, trying to create storms just becomes frustration in failure.

How do I transport a lint roller?

I'm moving back home now that the semester is almost done. I have a lint roller (without a cover) that I would really like to take back home. Does anyone know any way of transporting it so I can a) still use it without having to pull off oodles of sheets and b) not having it stick to anything in my crates?

Hairspray leaves dusty covering?

I do my hair in the morning like most people, but my hair is weird and tends to reject products. So i use a little more than most. I use a hair gel, mousse, and a hairspray, am I using too much? Because by about noon I have a layer of what seems to be dust on my hair. Anyone know how to prevent it?

How do you clean up after a down-feathered pillow has exploded in your dryer?

My pillow tore and now there are feathers and oatmeal-looking bits all over my clothes! I tried getting as much of it out as possible, and now I'm running the dryer again in hopes that the rest will end up in the lint gatherer thing, but is there a smarter way to do this?

My Whirlpool dryer won't turn on?

I have a whirlpool model WED5840SW0 dryer it worked fine just a couple of days ago and now I push the start button and it will not turn on and the dryer light is off. I have tried re-setting the breakers, I have un plugged and re-plugged it and I have even cleaned out the Lint vent and still nothing. Can anybody please help me out

Why only Kurdistan wasn't liberated from the Ottoman Empire?

Bulgarians,Serbs,Greeks,Arabs and Albanians were liberated from Turkey(Ottoman Empire) only Kurds didn't created independent state what is the reason

Hey i was just wondering if it is possible to pack some cigarettes and liquor/drinks, or only cigs by suitcase?

cigarettes, yes but there are limited numbers of packs depending on the country. for liquor and drinks, no. it should be less than 100ml only and a net of 1L.

Why can no one be happy i've met my love in a turkish waiter?

I'm a 45yr old fmale. all my life i've been dissapointed in love. However, i think at the grand old age of 45, i've met the love of my life on holidays abroad. Hes a romantic turkish waiter and we have been corresponding tow an fro since i returned home from my holidays. He says he loves me. He dont speak much english but the language of love is universal. However, no one can be happy for me. I'm a woman of substantial means, but money isnt making me happy without a man to make happy. So i've been financially helping this guy out but hes not been asking me. The thing is hes got a kid in Turkey and lives with his partner, but they are 'not lovers'. He is now coming on a holiday to me next week - I sent him a ticket. hes 27yrs old and hes so romantic. I cannot wait. why can noone be happy

Opinions on the beginning of this?

that's awesome. very descriptive, i like it. i can't wait to see where youre headed with it! good luck and keep writing!! :D

What can I use instead of butter?

I wanna make some turkey patties for lunch. I want to minimize as much fat as possiable. When i not use butter the patties always stick to the pan and it gets messy. Is they anything else I can use or something i can do.

Best dog shock collar for 16.5lb hunting, overly-friendly dog?

I have used the Dogtra 1900NCP as well on my neurotic foster Border Collie (As well as multiple other dogs - Both large and small) - It's an effective and long lasting collar, it's definitely worth the price. I highly recommend it.

Selling something from ebay?

You will need to find out the shipping price for the kinds of items you sell from your own local office, and post them.

Is this considered overeating?

Healthy eating for sure not overeating. Overeating is when you eat too much of something then feeling bloated.

How can i quit smoking?

I don't want to gain weight and I don't want the patch. I wanna do it cold turkey. Is there anything I can do or eat that will help? Please hurry, I want to buy a pack right now.

Which country is better to visit, Egypt or Turkey?

I say turkey because after the Egyptian revolution Egypt is still reforming and might not be the best place to go right now.

What kind of bug could this be?

Have you looked UNDER the mattress and in the sewing of everything? In the bedding, the box spring, the cottoning? The black stuff is waste from SOMETHING. I would call an exterminator right away. If one can't come, get a steamer and try to steam around the sewing/stitches and see if anything comes out. Also look around your wall baseboard and outlets. SOMETHING has to be biting you and running during the daytime. Maybe if you wait until night, and then turn a flashlight on the bed, you might see them. Good luck.

Would you read on after glimpsing this?

I would. It does sound interesting even though it sounds sick. When I read the first paragraph about abuse and things I do get a 2nd thought on reading it but it does make me want to read more. A story I read was about a 2 year old boy and it started about his mum making him rub her 'minnie' (private parts) I was disturbed about this but I read it and it ended up being a good ending. She didn't get away with what she was doing to her son. Go for it I say :)

Can a person be HEALTHY if they NEVER eat fruits or vegtables?

Of course they can! I'm on a steady diet of Cheetos and corn dogs and I'm a healthy 280 pounds at 5'8''! Oh yea, and my sweat is 80% cholesterol and hydrogenated oil.

Need help getting six pack, will give best answers lotsa points!?

Actually your doing great diet sounds good your plenty of active you seem to be eating good as well. And no just do ab workouts twice a week no more then that and make sure to get plenty of rest thats a huge factor. Just do any type of ab workouts all work pretty good. If you want to try new exercises go to this link this is a great web site that can help you,helped me.

Hair dye gone wrong please help?

My mum had bleached hair with a light blonde dye. She came to redo the roots again yesterday with the same colour that was already on her hair. This colour is a professional hair colour from a hairdressing supply shop. When she applied the colour her hair went blue/grayish. We have now tried to fix this by putting a golden blonde colour over (I have heard that the warmer tones cancels out the blue tones) Now her hair is a peachy dusty blonde colour. We need to get it back to just an average light blonde but without using ash colours incase the hair reacts to the blue again. I know that the majority will say to seek a professional hairdresser however she is going away on Tuesday and the hairdressers are all closed and to be honest are too expensive. Just looking for a quick fix really. I was contemplating putting the bleach powder on to get it lighter. Please no nasty answers or anyone saying we should have done it professionally ect everyone does it please can you suggest any fixes that we can do at home today? Thanks

Where can we travel for a summer vacation without having to spend a fortune?

You can travel pretty cheap if you know how to and even with a big family such as you have, try sites like Expedia and other travel sites that may give you a really good deal. Some great places would be Kingston upon Hull in the European area. Also some kids are able to travel for free,but make sure you do some really extensive research.

How should I feed hay..?

There it no restriction on the number of haynets you can give. You can put a whole bale out if you want (or 2 or 3). The hay will last longer in hay nets then in a chaff bag as the horse won't be able to pull it all out

Does the Xbox 360 Slim have any flaws?

New slim is amazing, i have the halo version and im in love, microsoft guarantees no RROD ! best thing i ever did, i was thinking of just buying the original 360 cause it was cheaper but then i got talked into buying the halo slim since its a better deal and its the best decision i ever made! :D

Friday, July 15, 2011

Is it weird to sit alone on the bus?

My grade is going to Toronto for a trip soon and i dont have someone to sit with for the ride .Ive asked all my friends if I could sit next to them but they all already have a "buddy". The only people left over who dont have a someone to sit next to are awkward(lol).....So I think I'll just sit alone for the ride. :/!! ??! Is it weird if i did? Will i look pathetic and a "loner" or "dusty"?Im scared ill get made fun of if i sit alone. What do you think , thank you

Why the WWE doesn't make Dusty Rhodes a Monday Night Raw commentator?

And replace that parasite Jerry Lawler? Dusty Rhodes is a great commentator that brings something new to the table, Jerry Lawler brings what? His fake crown? C'mon! Just make Dusty Rhodes be Michael Cole's partner and be on the side of the future WWE Champion, Sir Michael Cole! It will be a great honor and a great entertainment value to make that great dad Dusty Rhodes a commentator on Raw!

Am I being too healthy?

I think you can get too obsessed with your food and health, and ironically by doing that you are not eating healthily because of lack of variation in your diet etc, i think you should concerntrate on what you eat and supplements a bit less, if your body needs nutrients it will tell you through cravings! eg - when you have low iron you apparently crave red meat x

Need some Feedback plz....?

Thats great! Isaw you last question so ianswered it:) your meals loook great you will lose some weight fast with some aditional cardio maybe an hour would help... Iheard if you lower your milk percent its healthier.. But looks wounderful.. Glad.. I hope you keep it like that. Stay strong!

Clothes dryer shuts down?

thermostats replaced,lint cleared out,drum spins freely.vent hose is not blocked.What controls heating element temperature ? Plug is wired on correct contacts.

Does anyone know what movie i'm thinking of?

it took place i think in an asian country, there is a monster caused by a stoopid scientist who dumps chemicals into the han river due to them being dusty, also someone shot it with a compound bow and threw a molotov at it i believe.

Burnt smelling clothes from electric dryer?

I just moved into a rental house a few months ago in hopes of buying it, and it came with a few new appliances. The dryer was there but not hooked up yet. The maintenance guy hooked it up and left us the manuals, and I know it was never used before. Right away, loads run at a full length cycle came out smelling burnt. We clean the lint trap after every load, but the only way to avoid the smell is to run it on timed dry in half hour increments. Talked to the landlord and the maintenance guy, and though they are pretty easy to work with, they just keep saying it's because it's new, and needs to be broken in. Well now it's been four months, and it's not new. Same problem. Several people have suggested checking the vent, because it may have already been plugged, or in the time that nothing was hooked up, an animal may have nested there. That sounds likely, but I'm just wondering the best way to go about checking this, and what other possibilities there may be. The vent goes straight down through the floor, and then underneath the dryer and horizontally about 12' before going outside. All the venting past the hole in the floor is covered from below with a drywalled basement ceiling. Can I use something similar to a plumber's snake? One other factor is that the manual states there should be no more than 7' of vent ducting, and it should only be routed up and out, not down. If I can't find anything in the vent, could the routing be a problem? It is a fairly inexpensive Amana electric dryer. Is this problem more common with cheaper machines than expensive ones? Just hoping for some good ideas before I hit up the landlord to send someone out again.

How do I get those little lint balls off my pants?

No matter how many times I wash my sweatpants they always have these little lint balls on them! Anybody know what I am talking about? They usually occur more in the inner thigh area because thats where my legs rub up against eachother. But it is also everywhere else too. Also, using a lint roller does not help at all. Which is kind of ironic since based on its name, thats what its main purpose is. But whatever. Anyways, I feel like I should just throw them out because there is too many to pick off, but they are my favorite thing to wear. Anyone have any ideas how to get them off? Thanks

Washed my mp3 player it still works but theres lint and stuff inside it...HELP?

Ok so i washd my mp3 on accident it still works but theres like dry water and soap inside the screen. I just want to know if there is a way to get that out or something so i can see clearly.

Why did the people that claim they found noah's ark in turkey use carbon dating on the remains?

when there are many christians that claim carbon dating does not work or it is very inaccurate when it is being used on dinosaur remains or anything that dates further than about 7,000 years? hypocritical much?

Can Guys Like 2 Girls @ the SAME time?

personally i think he does like you and still hasn't realize it himself.. also, yes its possible for a guy to like 2 girls at a time, just like its possible for a girl to like 2 guys at the same time. but yeah anyways i think you should tell him how you feel. :)

My pug is loosing fur on her back legs?

You can pull it right looks like she is just fluffier back there.......there are no sores, balding, or anything else.................she looses hair everywhere......she is a pug.......but she has a fluffy backside (under her tail) and it's fluffy and you can pull hair out by the clumps.......but once again......still tons of fur sores or bald spots.........everything else looks o.k.......she's on benedryl for allergies.........utd on shots, spayed, flea/tic meds, .........she hates to be brushed so we do it only once in a while and lint roll her the rest of the time...............does her fur fluffs on the back, seem normal?

Is this gross? (dog question)?

Recently I saw a kid picking his nose and eating his booger and I thought to myself, "He probably never saw an adult doing this so it must be a natural behavior" and then I thought about if my boston terrier who gets eyeboogers like nobodys business if he would wipe them off and eat them if he had hands. From then on out I've been wiping them off and feeding them to him rather than using a tissue. I figure I don't risk getting the lint from the tissue in his eyes and for crying out loud the dog licks his butt so I doubt his taste buds are all that great. Anyways my friend saw me doing this and thought it was really gross. What do you think?

I lied to my boyfriend and now I need help?

Wow that's a lot to handle...honestly u both have done and my bf have gone threw similar things...but...I can kind of understand were ur coming from...if he truly loves u he would just talk to u about the situation...nd from girl to girl I think he's gonna keep bringing it up so that ur mind sticks to that instead of the things he did wrong..but that's just my oppion...I'm not judgementel but u both fuckd up...ya u shouldn't have lied to him but he's done a lot worse he actually messed around with ANOTHER GIRL ya kno...this is ur relationship and in the end its still ur choice weather or not wat ur gonna do...and with him telling other people about ur problems that's a BIG NO NO...that's ur guys relationship...and if ur friends are judging u about it then there not true wat u think is right love...u deserve better...hope my edvice helps :)

Puppy Names help?? :)?

Delbar Marlow Rusty Breeze Kahn Chance Damon Noka Names depend a lot on what he looks and acts like though, but out of your names I really like Whelan or shadow :D

Tetanus from a scrape -- still worried?

You will probably be ok. Tetanus is a disease from dirt and rusty metal, usually from farms and the country. You might get that shot the next time you are at the docs though. They are good for 10 years if you do not get injured, 5 if you do.

How to change kitten birthplace?

My cat had birth in my basement and it was fithy and dusty down there, so i noticed a kitten had fleas, so i made a nice cool place in my bedroom, and washed the mom cat/ now she is bringing the kittens downstairs. how do i make the mother adapt to the new place?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What is a good meal to make without an oven.?

Check out this recipe site. You can look and type the ingrediants that you have and it will show you what recipes you can make.

Mtv turkey pop hits from 2006?

i was there that summer and theres a song im trying to was a female singer.....does anyone remember any of the music videos they played then?

What do you think of my story?

Its good but you should try sticking on one topic.....sorry if my answer doesn't seem right, but I really liked it though and I wanted to help you a little bit on the story.

Is this considered overeating?

Healthy eating for sure not overeating. Overeating is when you eat too much of something then feeling bloated.

How long will cymbalta remain in my body?

I have tooken 20mg of cymbalta daily for 3 weeks and stoped cold turkey for 1 week. How long will it take for cymbalta to 100% leave my body? Could it already be completely out of my body already?

Diet help please, 135 pound female?

During winter break I tried an orange diet for a week and dropped from 148 to 135. I'm usually 115 - 120 but I gained tons of weight when I started birth control and I think also because I was eating unhealthy food living in the dorms since I didn't have a car first semester and ate what they sold on campus. I've been trying to lose the weight since jan. I'm 5'5, I'm 20 years old and I currently weigh 135. I do workout everyday for an hour and a half and for breakfast I eat a 1/2 cup of cherrios with 1% milk, for lunch I have light yogurt (110 cal) with 3 cut up strawberries and a banana cut up and for dinner I usually have a sandwich with swiss cheese (90 cal), wheat bread, a little light mayo, onions, and turkey. I was thinking of trying a carrot diet for a week, would it work as well as my orange diet?? And don't say this is unhealthy please I ate only oranges but I also took multivitamins, fiber, and protein for that week. To give you a look on my metabolism: I urinate probably 15 times a day and I do the other thing around 4 to 5 times a day. Advice please? Oh and the ten pounds I lost during winter break I know it wasn't just muscle cause I lost inches and looked skinnier in general.

How do you get rid of dustballs on concert pants?

I don't even know where these fuzzies came from all of a sudden because it was never on my concert pants before. And I can't use a lint roller because it's fuzzies that actually STICK onto the pants so I have to pluck each one by one. Is there another way to get rid of them? Please help!

Nokia C3 Navigation Key Chrome Chipping, Anyone with the same problem?

It chipped although I took good care of it. I have short finger nails by the way. But I do have really hard skin on the tip of my thumb. I didnt keep it in a leather case however I put the phone in my jeans which is always free of any foreign material (Except for maybe some lint) I do not keep keys in the same pocket too.

Best way to clean a hairbrush?

It has some hairs and some lint/dandruff type stuff at the bottom. I tried putting them in boiling water, but it still has all the stuff near the end of the bristles. Should I add bleach or some sort of cleaner? Or should I take an old toothbrush and scrub it?

Anyone know whats the weather like in turkey mid october?

i remember october in turkey. The one october of my life I wish i could forget. I wish I could blame it all on the weather, but it was everything....The weather was just the cherry on top of everything else.

Boyfriend soon to be ex- reassurance its over would be nice?

I've been dating him for 6 years on and off. we love each other but lately I've come to terms with the fact that its just not working out. I'd appreciate feedback as far as my decision goes AND how to leave a six year relationship is cold turkey the best way or slowly breaking off contact. I grew up with this guy so its difficult. he seems to have a minor drinking problem and has become violent once with me. he apologized and felt shameful of his actions but the next night he sat on the phone and told me I needed to be "reborn" he also says things like " you think your better than me?" when hes angry. He also told informed me when he was drunk that he believed that I was younger then him mentality wise. He says things like "your just a girl" in the negative way. He has also said Im just a bag of emotions and things of this nature. He has criticized me many times and I wonder why. Is it me did I become a walking doormat or is it him? Is he just an overcritical asshole? I feel like I demand respect just fine and I have left but the stories the same in the end he tries to be controlling and he tries to dictate my behavior. What I find funny, what I find interesting etc.